Celebrating chamber music's tradition and exploring its future.
Read our 2023-24 Activity Report
Read our Classical EDI Development Fund Report
New Chamber Music
Chamber Music is—by its nature—flexible, intimate, and collaborative.
Our Values
- To make chamber music in Scotland a unique, inclusive, creative environment with its own identity and place on the world's stage.
- To develop chamber music to reflect the diversity of its people and places, putting musicians, communities, and audiences at the heart of our work.
- To create opportunities for musicians to grow and maintain creatively fulfilling and financially sustainable careers in Scotland.
- To shape a rich, distinctive, and resilient future for chamber music in Scotland - a future which celebrates our shared cultural history and traditions, but is also committed to experimentation, innovation, and excellence.
- To be at the forefront of creating new and innovative ways for people to experience, perform, and create chamber music, and to play an influential role in nurturing these transformations.
- To continue to ask "what is chamber music?" and explore what the future of chamber music should look like in Scotland.
- To work towards true inclusivity and access to chamber music, and ensuring that inclusive values remain at the core of everything that we do.
Chamber Music Scotland is supported by Creative Scotland.
Traditional Artform
Chamber music is about intimacy—between the players, the audience, and the music.
The Chamber Music Scotland Team
Paul Tracey
Chief Executive
Joni Lindsay
General Manager
Nat Riley
Evaluation and Development
Lou Rowland
Admin & Comms
Board of Directors
Ruth Binks, Chair
Corporate Director for Education, Communities & Organisational Development, Inverclyde
Julie Aitken
Policy and Communications Manager, Corra Foundation
Samantha McShane
Artistic Director, King's Place
Berginald Rash
Lesley-Ann Smith
General Manager, Live Music Now Scotland
Roz De Vile
CEO, Music Masters
Gillian Walker
Composer, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Simon Hunt
Director of Finance at Scottish Opera