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Triquetra Brass Trio

Triquetra Brass Trio

'In such a short time they have become a well co-ordinated and practiced group...The audience applauded warmly throughout as they showed their appreciation of the high quality of the playing by brilliant, young musicians.'

Alexander Wilson - Classic Music Live! Falkirk

Trio - Instrumental


  • Emily Stokes - Trumpet
  • Peter McNeill - French Horn
  • Jordan Fairley - Trombone


Triquetra Brass Trio always aim to create unique, diverse and exciting tailor-made performances, drawing upon an ever-expanding repertoire list which showcases the individuality and flair each instrument provides to the group.

Our repertoire comprises of a variety of genres including Baroque, Classical, Broadway, Light music, Folk and Contemporary. A few examples of these can be seen below:

Gilson Santos - Tocaia

Lauren Bernofsky - Trio for Brass

Ryan Linham - Elements (2019)

J.S Bach arr. Maunder - French Suite No. 5

Jan Koetsier - Figaro Metamorphosen

Francis Poulenc - Sonata for horn, trumpet and trombone

Edwin McLean - Scenes from Storyville


Triquetra Brass Trio {TRY-KEH-TRAH} are a vibrant and innovative ensemble formed in 2021 by graduates of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Originally created as a way of expressing themselves further as musicians, the trio has grown and developed into an established chamber group, with an emphasis on promoting brass playing within the community.

The ensemble's ethos is to make music accessible to all audiences, with an ever-expanding repertoire that spans across 400 years. The group are passionate about the importance of education work and take pride in providing workshops and interactive performances as well as formal recitals. Taking part in collaborative projects with varying art forms and artists, they are able to introduce audiences to new pieces, and to the seldom-heard brass trio format of Trumpet, French Horn and Trombone.

The group always strives to showcase their distinctive musical personalities within a unique collective sound and are passionate about promoting new music compositions and projects.
